Lawns that are well cared for rarely have moss. But sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, moss happens. Killing the moss may temporarily eradicate the problem, but it could return if you don’t figure out why it’s there in the first place.
First, make sure you’re practicing good lawn care. Next, check your light levels. Moss thrives in medium to dense shade. If the lawn isn’t getting enough light, the grass will then, and weaken, allowing moss to take hold. Prune overhanging shrubs and trees to improve light levels and air circulation.
Pay special attention to water. Lawns that are poorly drained or waterlogged in summer or winter can produce moss. install drainage, add sand or regrade the soil to allow for better runoff. Compacted soil can also be a culprit. Aeration reduces compaction.
Lawn-cutting techniques might also be a factor. Lawns that are repeatedly “scalped” are more susceptible to moss.
Sometimes moss occurs in soil that’s too acidic. Don’t assume this is the case and try to correct it with lime, right away. Have the soil tested first.
If the moss persists once you’ve addressed those issues, consider embracing Mother Nature. After all, the Japanese have entire gardens made of moss. A small corner devoted to moss in your own yard can be an aesthetically pleasing counter point to the rest of the garden.
The Yard Pro Crew
Information taken from “The Costco Connection” March/April 2011 author Laura Langston